I started my locs in all the way back in 2000, and I have cut them several times over the years. Kind of sad to see some just drop out, landing on the shower floor.
Recovering political junkie, human (and pit bull) rights advocate, and Journey fan...so there.
The Supreme Court victory on June 26, 2013 in United States v. Windsor striking down the discriminatory federal Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) affirms that all loving and committed couples who are married deserve equal legal respect and treatment from the federal government. The demise of DOMA marks a turning point in how the United States government treats the relationships of married same-sex couples for federal programs that are linked to being married. At the same time, a turning point is part of a longer journey, not the end of the road. There is much work ahead before same-sex couples living across the nation can enjoy all the same protections as their different-sex counterparts.Some of Chris's comments:
Everyone at the apartment of Roberta Kaplan, the lawyer who argued Edith Windsor’s successful challenge to the Defense of Marriage Act, exploded in screams and sobs when the ruling came down. Kaplan called her mother and said, “Total victory, Mom: it couldn’t be better.” Windsor said, “I wanna go to Stonewall right now!” Then she called a friend and said, “Please get married right away!”
"In today’s episode, Texas wingnut par excellence Louie Gohmert says the Supreme Court’s DOMA decision is “against the laws of nature and nature’s God,” and now America’s really in for it. We’re talkin’ total collapse of civilization, people. It’s bad."And Bam Bam Barber, you have to read his Twitter feed to believe it. He's foaming at the mouth.
"A part of me held back and tried to reconcile the tension I still felt with the historic moment in LGBT history. And I knew after a few moments what it was. “We are not finished yet. We haven’t even begun to fight.” Maybe that’s why my mood became muted. Because the Supreme Court did not rule completely in our favor as I’d hoped, even with how unlikely that outcome. It made me feel like an outsider because I was holding back on celebrating with passion so many of my friends were exuding.
And then I was angry. Angry at myself because despite the fact that it was not a sweeping victory it was all the same a monumental step forward so I felt this emotion was taking away from the joyous occasion that so many in this community are celebrating. It was giving me a migraine because that phrase kept coming to mind. So I laid down to calm my thoughts and asked why I felt this way. But my feelings were grounded in truth.
Is it because I know that in the remaining 37 states in this country, including my home state of Tennessee has a very long, hard battle ahead now that it is truly up to the states to decide the rights of millions of Americans. That the couples living here in the rural south that have worked their entire lives and entered long-term relationships for decades still do not have those federal rights that the New Colony states now have. Can still be denied the legal right to call the love of their life their husband or wife."
The top U.S. bookstore chain reported another quarter of dismal results on Tuesday, led by a 34 percent drop in sales of Nook devices and e-books business, and said it expects sales to continue to decline this fiscal year at its bookstores. Shares were down 17.5 percent to $15.53 in afternoon trading.
Barnes & Noble will still make and design black-and-white readers like the Nook Simple Touch, which it says are more geared to serious readers, who are its customers, than to tablets. But it is looking for a partner to make its Nooks, acknowledging that competition is too fierce to fight alone.
In the fiscal year ended April 27, Barnes & Noble lost $475 million on the Nook business and it repeatedly had to slash prices on the Nook tablets and accept returns from retailers unable to sell the devices.
E-books now account for about 20 percent of book sales, according to the Association of American Publishers. By Barnes & Noble's estimates, it has a 27 percent share of the U.S. e-books market.But B&N's problems aren't just in the digital world. Sliding sales at its stores make you wonder if there is ever going to be an uptick that suggests this business model will survive. I mean, I used to frequent B&N fairly often -- 10 years ago. Now if I happen to go by, it is to window-shop; look at the physical books or magazines. Then I go home and order at Amazon. I'm more likely to buy if I go to my local independent bookstore. I'm obviously not the only one.
The picture was also bleak for Barnes & Noble's retail business, consisting of its 675 bookstores and accounting for two-thirds of sales. Sales at stores open at least 15 months fell 8.8 percent last quarter and Barnes & Noble expects retail sales to be down by a high single digit percentage in its new fiscal year.
“For this week’s footnote i’m bidding a favorite tonight farewell to my favorite coffee shop , pam’s house blend . pam spaulding has decided to close the blog pam ‘s house blend . Launched in 2004, PHB is one of the first online opinion sources that I read on a daily basis. Pam is based in durham, North Carolina. As an African-American lesbian living in the south during the gay baiting re-election campaign of George W. Bush in 2004, she just needed a place to vent, but what started out as a personal online journal of frustration became one of the most innovative and inclusive spaces in the digital world.
Pam and her fellow bloggers reported the news and commented on the maddening developments of national politics, but they always did so through their own distinctive lens. pam and her co-bloggers withstood the identity of race and identity reminding us that gay is not just an urban experience. of course there is autumn sandeen, who is the first transgender blogger on a major site. pam and her house blend won many awards and in 2008 she was only one of six african-american bloggers credentialed to cover the Democratic National Convention. early this week she announced she will no longer produce pam ‘s house blend; she is suffering from rheumatoid arthritis , she no longer has the stamina to blog during all the hours that would be reserved for sleeping. we asked pam what she wants to be the legacy of the house blend and she said, i really do wish that we could get more lgbt people of color blogging about politics and their rights. maybe it’s the gliend of politi politics. maybe it’s that politics is depressing, i’m not sure, but it’s so necessary. and voices from the south are necessary. pam , you are a true citizen journalist .
I will continue to check out your personal posts about your favorite band, Journey, but i will miss your daily House Blend. Rest and take care of yourself, you certainly have earned it. But if you are out there and you have a voice that needs to be heard and a perspective that should be shared, maybe now is the time to take up the banner that Pam has held aloft for so long. ”Reaction to the video on Facebook.
Peter LaBarbera: According to the left you are a rent-a-pastor, I’m referring to a comment made by Pam Spaulding, a lesbian activist in your state. She does not have kind words for you Patrick. She calls you a bigot, and when she found out that you were appearing at our press conference and said you were among the so-called rent-a-pastors. So she was echoing the same sort of stuff we’ve caught by the SPLC [Southern Poverty Law Center], which to reiterate and remind people that they said the white organizers…which I suppose would be Peter LaBarbera and Matt Barber. We brought along a set of black pastors. So Pam, who happens to be black, she also called you a rent-a-pastor. So how do you feel about that?
Patrick Wooden: Well, first of all, I love Pam, and one of these days I hope to invite Pam Spaulding maybe to lunch, and we can sit down and talk, I have never had the privilege of meeting her. I learned that we were at an event one time together and she did not make herself known [news to me; what event is he talking about?] and of course she knew, if my information is correct, she’s aware of who I am and I did not know her. I love her and I am praying for her, and I wouldn’t dare rail insults for insults or slurs for slurs.
I will say that Christ died for Pam, and Jesus will save her and deliver her from sin and that I have nothing but love for her and look forward to an opportunity to sit down and look her in the eye and to talk to her. Now as for the comment that I am a rent-a-pastor (laughs)…listen, Peter, I’ve been called much worse, and you know, my position is this: I don’t mind being rented for the cause of Christ. I don’t mind being rented for God’s Truth, I don’t mind being used for God’s Truth…as a matter of fact I want to thank her for calling me a rent-a-pastor. And I’ll say to the Lord – you can rent me anytime you want. I don’t know why he would since he owns me, but I will do for whatever cause he would want me to be a part of …here I am Lord, I’m like Isaiah, [blah, blah, blah] as long as I am representing God’s Truth.
Peter, it’s really not about her; we’re just vessels to be used by the Lord. It is the cause…it is the truth of God that we represent that is so important. So if the Pam Spauldings of this world, I wouldn’t get into a shouting match with her, I wouldn’t visit her web site, or her Facebook or whatever and rail insult for insult…
Pam needs Jesus, when Pam meets the Lord that yearning for a member of the same sex will change…she’d probably make a fantastic mother [Um, no], and would enjoy having a husband who was born male – no Chaz Bono business – born male – and meet her man, and rock her world, in the name of the Lord.”
Peter: You’re right about the hatred, you expect that the hatred would come – this is a perversion movement.
Spaulding talked about starting the blog in 2004 and never imagining it would become the award-winning, highly-noted must-read site that often garnered media attention as well a notice from mainstream gay groups Spaulding sometimes criticized, like the Human Rights Campaign.Here's the audio:
“There were not many blogs out there [9 years ago],” she said. I wasn’t blogging to an audience. I was just blogging about my frustrations about the virulently antigay campaign that George Bush was running. For the first year to year-and-a-half the most I had in terms of readership was 300 people. I thought that was enormous and that I’d never surpass it.”
Looking back, Spaulding is especially proud of the diverse voices she brought to the PamsHouseBlend and the political blogopshere, readers and writers who’d often begun posting in the diaries on the site and rose to become regular bloggers, including the prominent transgender activist and blogger Autumn Sandeen.
“I’m really proud of that,” Spaulding said, “because that was a voice that was missing at the time in the blogosphere. There really were not any transgender bloggers at the time among the A-list blogs. I think that kind of exposure led to more discussion about transgender issues.”
Methotrexate can also cause mood changes. Depression and/or anxiety caused by methotrexate therapy can be serious.Dilemma
High-five to me today! At endo appt and my A1C is a record low 6.3.
That means I've maintained tight blood glucose control over the last few months despite battling pretty miserable chronic pain. Finally some good health news!
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From 27 Views of Durham reading, 6/6/2013 |
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From 27 Views of Durham reading, 6/6/2013 |
Glanced up from organic olives at Farmer's Mkt when my eyes fell upon...The Voice. Steve Perry!! #flannelshirts haha! twitter.com/MarthaQuinn/st…On my bucket list -- being able to have lunch with Mr. Perry. How that could even happen, I don't know (anyone with connections out there???), but it would make me a very a happy woman. Love, love his voice; have so many questions to ask about his compositions and positive experiences singing and songwriting.
— Martha Quinn (@MarthaQuinn) June 2, 2013
Three weeks ago a routine mole was taken off my face and the lab report came back Melanoma skin cancer. I've had two surgeries in two weeks to remove all the cancer cells and I've been told they think they got it all and no other treatments are required.
On Sunday I was a bit depressed because Kellie's birthday was coming up so I went for a drive and ran into Martha Quinn at a street fair. It was so great to see her and in a few short moments I told her most of this story. She asked if I'd take a picture with her and I said, "If you don't mind my face scar." She said, "Not at all." I joked about me and Pirates of the Caribbean and we both laughed.
An anthology of Durham writers writing about their hometown, 27 Views of Durham creates a literary montage of the Bull City. In essays, poems, short stories, and anthem, the collection creates a sense of place, present and past. Contributors include Ariel Dorfman, Jim Wise, Barry Yeoman, Pierce Freelon, Pam Spaulding, Clyde Edgerton, poet James Applewhite, historian Jean Bradley Anderson, song writer Rebecca Newton, with an introduction by Steve Schewel. This is the latest book in Eno Publishers's 27 Views series that includes local anthologies of North Carolina towns: Hillsborough, Chapel Hill, and Asheville.My chapter touches on two bits of Durham history and charm:
Steve Schewel, Pam Spaulding, John Valentine and Jim Wise read their views from this anthology of the city known for tobacco, sports, and grit. Come join in for a lively discussion.
Thursday, June 6, 2013 @ 7 PMThe start time (7 PM) is almost past my bedtime these days; hopefully my health meter won't be on empty. Fingers crossed!
Regulator Bookshop
720 Ninth St.
Durham, NC 27705
http://www.regulatorbookshop.com/Contact: Laurin Penland: regulatorevents@gmail.com
The most commonly reported side effects for the RA-sized doses are digestive irritations. This can range from mild nausea to severe vomiting and diarrhea. Hair loss is also possible, but with lower doses it is less common. Methotrexate can also cause a feeling of weakness which is referred to medically as malaise. I call it that “I’ve been kicked by an elephant” feeling. (I really was kicked by an elephant once… but that’s another story!)
Other common side effects of methotrexate include increased risk with infection and greater chance of sunburn, either of which may also be more severe with methotrexate.
Well, methotrexate side effects do sound harsh, don’t they? However, when was the last time you read a list of the effects of RA? Seriously, the list of Rheumatoid Arthritis symptoms is eerily similar. For the most part, RA is undoubtedly worse.